It seems like many members are upset with the debates forum being removed.
Why not create your own club and then you can have your own forum within that club. As far as I know, that would be a private forum and not subject to being moderated.
The person who creates that club controls the membership, so can keep out anyone they do not want in the club.
As a bonus, you can kick people out if you decide later that they are a problem.
@mwmiller saidIt will be back July6th as announced in the 'Site Announcements' Thread.
It seems like many members are upset with the debates forum being removed.
Why not create your own club and then you can have your own private forum within that club. As far as I know, that would be a private forum and not subject to being moderated.
The person who creates that club controls the membership, so can keep out anyone they do not want in the club.
As a bonus, you can kick people out if you decide later that they are a problem.
There are already many clubs, but it is like a dictatorship if the Leader doesn't like the person can boot them for that.
The trick would be to get a bunch of people who all got along to start with and see how it goes once you start debating something some disagree strongly about. 🙂 That would Interesting!!!
03 Jul 20
@mwmiller saidNow maybe we can get all the racists to make their Racism Club and they can go get their fix there, instead of prancing through the Debates forum with it.
It seems like many members are upset with the debates forum being removed.
Why not create your own club and then you can have your own forum within that club. As far as I know, that would be a private forum and not subject to being moderated.
The person who creates that club controls the membership, so can keep out anyone they do not want in the club.
As a bonus, you can kick people out if you decide later that they are a problem.