@contenchess saidI pronounce it awnt and I am Canadian.
That's how Canadians say it.
It was Aunt down in the States...
My American ant told me she wasn't an ant.....LOL....
@vivify saidthe pincher of cheeks and twister of ears
I grew up pronouncing it as "awnt", but my wife and inlaws say "ant".
How do you do you guys pronounce "aunt"?
the wearer of multiple pounds of lipstick and feedbags of pancake makeup
the teller of lewd and slightly racist jokes
the provider of cookies and candies
the thief of innocence and purity
the one who could make my uncle shut up so dang fast
the asker of unanswerable football questions
the one who must not be questioned, denied, or teased
always referred to as "yes ma'am" or "yes'm"