Do not spend a penny in unnecessary stuff to give to people
so they know something you should be able to demonstrate
to them by means other than consumerism.
All holidays have been kidnapped by the mercantilist machine.
Claim them back at least in your own, little world.
Grow a pair. Keep the cash in your pockets.
Originally posted by SeitseSir, may I refer you to my post in what you listening to.
Do not spend a penny in unnecessary stuff to give to people
so they know something you should be able to demonstrate
to them by means other than consumerism.
All holidays have been kidnapped by the mercantilist machine.
Claim them back at least in your own, little world.
Grow a pair. Keep the cash in your pockets.
Originally posted by SeitseSkint then?
Do not spend a penny in unnecessary stuff to give to people
so they know something you should be able to demonstrate
to them by means other than consumerism.
All holidays have been kidnapped by the mercantilist machine.
Claim them back at least in your own, little world.
Grow a pair. Keep the cash in your pockets.