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Donadoni Another Cheater !!!!!!!!!!!!

Donadoni Another Cheater !!!!!!!!!!!!


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Have a look at Donadoni V CZbish in the Public Games. CZ is a mate
of mine currently working abroad and as far as I know has not been
playing on RHP since the end of February. He has recently resigned 4
games in perfectly playable positions to Donadoni and the same day
challenged him to 6 more. CZ would never resign a game like this nor
would he play the same person 6 times all at once. I reckon some
how Donadoni has hacked into his ID and is moving his pieces. Can
something be done about this ?

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The Donadoni vs czbish thing is still going on; has anyone else
noticed what's happening here? Seeing as though Donadoni has now
broken into into the top 5 I thought I'd bring this original post by Mr.
Patea back up...

Like I said, has anyone else noticed or think something is wrong?

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Yes, I do find it strange. Some of the games are given without any
real ground.

I wonder what reactions there would be if I played 10 or more rated
games with my wife (lioness) and lost/won them all (regardless of the
content of the games).

I would recommend that matches with more than a few games
between the same players would be announced beforehand in the

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I wonder if Donadoni can clarify what is happening.

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good point John.

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Take a look for yourself... jennB vs dscalzo. Does look dodgy!!

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i am not married to this guy,............i wish

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you make me curious with this remark, Lynn.

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Sorry for the confusion Gilbert i am playing unrated games against
someone.......who i wish,anyway the probably know the rest by now.

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I asked Knightmare NJ about this just the other day when I saw he
had climbed the ladder so quick and was right on my tail...and now
has surpassed it.

Something doesn't smell right about it...but I think I will not pass any
judgement untill he comes forward and explains.

And if he doesn't..well...


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I reply to this post and those below ( as at time of this post). The
solution to the problem is fairly simple - restrict the number of games
between the same two players. When playing under 3 id's it was easy
to have many games underway and then for one of the players to
resign. Look at the history of MartinS/Thorn/ Golden Fleece. I will
accept that if a "player" keeps registering multiple new id's it would be
VERY hard to control though. As has been pointed out many times - if
you keep losing your rating goes down and so the beneit to
your "opponent" also goes down. It's all too hard, play, enjoy the
game win or lose.

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I don't know about a restriction on games...do you mean at one time
or overall...cause I have played quite a few with John and plan on
playing more...if he wants (he keeps learning more
everytime..especially about the Najdorf this round)..and I play alot
with some others...but really this deal with so many games at one
whack and losing them all is weird.

I don't know what is going on totally with this..but I have played with
Jay as well and he has always been pretty straight up...I don't think
he would be making anything up about a friend not being around.

If you message someone from here there is a disclaimer about them
knowing your email address...so if one learns that..which is how you
log in...and your passwod..then they could really mess with you on
here. I think this is what Jay is saying what has happened.

And I know similar things like this have been done to get someone's
rating up...and I find that intolerable. It's bad enough we have to
worry about whether the person on the other side of the board is a
program without having things of this nature going on.

That is why I am pretty selective of who I play anymore.


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I don't think restricting the number is justified. As I said in another
entry, if two people plan to play a multi-game match (which is not a
bad idea, is it?), they could announce it. Besides that, there is always
the possibility to play unrated. That's what I do with Lioness (Julia).
But let the initiative to the players. Fairplay cannot be enforced. In the
long run cheaters loose.

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