I hate my parents. A lot. Get this:
Last night, my mom tells me to go scrape the food out of the pot and put it down the disposal. My dad yells at me when I leave. Why? For not cleaning the whole kitchen. She only told me to do that, and he figured that since I was already in there I should just assume I should clean the whole thing. Whatever, he does that all the damn time.
I have an eye appointment today, one I don't even want to go to because it's for contacts and I know I can't get them in, it just irritates my eyes. Anyway, my mom schedules it for me today. The place is 5 miles away, so of course I can't really be walking (I can but that's 10 miles there and back, something I don't think I can really do, not a walker). She tells me she's taking me when she makes the appointment, so I'm like "ok just gotta get off work that day". So I get off work, and I'm sitting here 2 hours before my appointment. She decides that's when she's telling me "I'm going to the movies". Not only that, but she's wants to bring my brother and sister...to a movie I wanted to see. So I say "I thought you were taking me to my appointment, how am I supposed to get there without a ride?". She says "I decided not to. Now go to your appointment and when you get back make a meatloaf for dinner, have it in the oven by 5". My appointment is for 3, so I have to leave by 1:45 to walk there in time. after that I would get home at around 5:15 because the appointment takes an hour. I flip out, but as usual I am not allowed to show any emotion or have an opinion so I just get on the computer and try and calm down. I decide I'm not going to the appointment, when she calls at 2:00 and says she's going to take me. 45 minutes early. Whatever, at least it's a ride. So I get there and go through all that and irritate my eye and give myself a headache and re-schedule for another date to try again because as I already knew they weren't going in. I get home at 5:15 and don't make the meatloaf. Why? "I decided not to". Of course I don't tell her that, I just act like "I forgot". Then around 10:00 my dad comes home (which I dread, he always finds something to yell at me for). I had planned on subscribing last night, all I needed was for him to use his credit card and I had already paid him in advance for it, but he was too tired and said we'd to it "tomorrow". So anyway, "tomorrow" rolls around, and at 10:00 he decides he wants on the computer (any time I'm on he wants on, I was not on for a week and he didn't get on once, but the day I got back on he wanted on). So I figure "Hey, at least I'll be able get him to do that 5 second thing for me, put in his paypal stuff or credit card, whichever, and be done". So he gets off, and I say "wait dad can we do that thing now, you pay for it?". "He says "tomorrow, when I'm on lunch". I had already explained to him I have work tomorrow, 11-5. So I'm really fuming now, I've had the crappiest 24 hours so far, but I figure I can get my mom to do it since it only takes like 5 seconds to put it in. She's watching TV, so I say "mom when you're done with your show can you come put this in, it takes a few days for it to process, so the quicker we put it in the better". "Tomorrow". "But it'll only take like 5 seconds, I'll have it all set up all you gotta do is put in the number and that's it you're done." "I said tomorrow". I'm shaking with anger now, but privately because an opinion means punishment. So I get on the computer, and she decides to tell me then "Don't make any plans for Friday" (I have friday off). I had already made plans to go to my friend's house, my best friend whom I haven't seen in ages. She approved of them. I tell her about them, and she tells me to cancel them. "Why?" I say. She tells me we're going to some water park. Wonderful, so now my friday is ruined. I get to go to some place full of screaming kids playing in water and walk around all day and be reprimanded by my dad and do nothing I enjoy (I only like swimming, not playing in stupid little kiddie pools and crap). Wonderful.
Don't you just LOVE parents?
Originally posted by maybeONEdaySo when do you get to subscribe?
I hate my parents. A lot. Get this:
Last night, my mom tells me to go scrape the food out of the pot and put it down the disposal. My dad yells at me when I leave. Why? For not cleaning the whole kitchen. She only told me to do that, and he figured that since I was already in there I should just assume I should clean the whole thing. Whatever, he does ...[text shortened]... not playing in stupid little kiddie pools and crap). Wonderful.
Don't you just LOVE parents?
Lock yourself in the computer room (or wherever the computer is in your household), and don't come out until they have done the whole subscription thing.
Originally posted by maybeONEdayTake it from somebody who knows. Enjoy them while you can because they won't be around for ever. I would give anything to hear my mother raise hell with me.:'(
I hate my parents. A lot. Get this:
Last night, my mom tells me to go scrape the food out of the pot and put it down the disposal. My dad yells at me when I leave. Why? For not cleaning the whole kitchen. She only told me to do that, and he figured that since I was already in there I should just assume I should clean the whole thing. Whatever, he does ...[text shortened]... not playing in stupid little kiddie pools and crap). Wonderful.
Don't you just LOVE parents?
Excuse me.
When you say to someone that you will do something and repeatedly refuse to do so. It is dishonest.
When someone gives you money so that you can "pay" for something for them and you fail to do so. It is theft.
Parents teach by example more than by words.
The story I read, may have had some adolscent attitude and exageration but included several emotionally abusive elements. He was lied to, his money taken under false pretenses, the subscription with the perks of membership are being withheld from him and he stated that he felt his opinion was of no value, his wishes were repeatedly not considered in the making of family plans.
The development and maintence of healthy self-esteem requires that the people with whom we are in relationship behave respectfully toward us. We should be able to express our needs, wishes and desires whether or not they are reasonable and be heard.. We should be able to negotiate areas of conflict. That is not to say that maybeONEday should have his way in all things but as an young person he should be being learning to resolve conflict in healthy ways, to compomise, pick his battles, negotiate fairly with people to get his needs met and to met the needs of others.
Finally......just a thought....maybe all he wanted was a bit of sympathy and someone to understand his viewpoint rather than to be told that "oneday he will appreciate having parents". If someone were addressing me with comments like that, I would feel that my concerns where not be heard and that a degree of judgement was being made against me.
Originally posted by AynatExceptionally well put Aynat. It was refreshing to see a mature and sensitive reply on the forums, and to note that someone was actually paying attention to what was said rather than just thinking up the next smarta$$ insult.
Excuse me.
When you say to someone that you will do something and repeatedly refuse to do so. It is dishonest.
When someone gives you money so that you can "pay" for something for them and you fail to do so. It is theft.
Parents teach by example more than by words.
The story I read, may have had some adolscent attitude and exageration but includ ...[text shortened]... where not be heard and that a degree of judgement was being made against me.
maybeONEday, all I can tell you is that there is a lot about this stage of your life that will suck, and be frustrating. The people who said that one day you will appreciate your parents and all they did for you are correct; but you will also realize that while they did the best they could they were not perfect. All the "adults" on the site can probably relate stories of frustrations with our parents at your age.
It sounds like everyone in your family is busy, probably stressed out, and therefore have little time/energy left to help the others to meet their needs. It's no surprise that you sometimes feel they don't listen.
I don't have any brilliant advice, nor would this be the place for it. My rather average advice - use this time in your life to learn who you really are, and *how* to be independent, because you will be all too soon. Learn to listen to yourself, to hear what you want and need, and make sure you treat yourself like you're valued. It will pay off down the road.
And ... venting on the forums occassionally is fine to. Ignore to abusive replies.
Originally posted by XanthosNZPerhaps you should copy and paste his text and ADD the paragraphs for him, so he can see the difference and how much more readable his article becomes?
Don't you just LOVE paragraphs?
This will achieve various things:
1. I will actually read it.
2. By not just being sarcastic, but by being constructive about it, the next time he posts something he may well add paragraphs.
3. The realisation that splitting a text up into paragraphs (and being shown how to actually do that) may well bring order and structure, not just to him, but to others who also haven't realised the joy of paragraphical structuring, and this may bring forth a next Shakespeare or Burns. You may even be mentioned in a foreword:
"It was a long time ago that a fellow named XanthosNZ pointed me in the right direction...and before you I serve my War and Peace."
Just imagine that!
I hate my parents. A lot. Get this:
Last night, my mom tells me to go scrape the food out of the pot and put it down the disposal. My dad yells at me when I leave. Why? For not cleaning the whole kitchen. She only told me to do that, and he figured that since I was already in there I should just assume I should clean the whole thing. Whatever, he does that all the damn time.
I have an eye appointment today, one I don't even want to go to because it's for contacts and I know I can't get them in, it just irritates my eyes. Anyway, my mom schedules it for me today. The place is 5 miles away, so of course I can't really be walking (I can but that's 10 miles there and back, something I don't think I can really do, not a walker). She tells me she's taking me when she makes the appointment, so I'm like "ok just gotta get off work that day".
So I get off work, and I'm sitting here 2 hours before my appointment. She decides that's when she's telling me "I'm going to the movies". Not only that, but she's wants to bring my brother and sister...to a movie I wanted to see.
So I say "I thought you were taking me to my appointment, how am I supposed to get there without a ride?".
She says "I decided not to. Now go to your appointment and when you get back make a meatloaf for dinner, have it in the oven by 5".
My appointment is for 3, so I have to leave by 1:45 to walk there in time. after that I would get home at around 5:15 because the appointment takes an hour. I flip out, but as usual I am not allowed to show any emotion or have an opinion so I just get on the computer and try and calm down. I decide I'm not going to the appointment, when she calls at 2:00 and says she's going to take me. 45 minutes early.
Whatever, at least it's a ride. So I get there and go through all that and irritate my eye and give myself a headache and re-schedule for another date to try again because as I already knew they weren't going in. I get home at 5:15 and don't make the meatloaf. Why?
"I decided not to".
Of course I don't tell her that, I just act like "I forgot". Then around 10:00 my dad comes home (which I dread, he always finds something to yell at me for). I had planned on subscribing last night, all I needed was for him to use his credit card and I had already paid him in advance for it, but he was too tired and said we'd to it "tomorrow".
So anyway, "tomorrow" rolls around, and at 10:00 he decides he wants on the computer (any time I'm on he wants on, I was not on for a week and he didn't get on once, but the day I got back on he wanted on). So I figure "Hey, at least I'll be able get him to do that 5 second thing for me, put in his paypal stuff or credit card, whichever, and be done". So he gets off, and I say "wait dad can we do that thing now, you pay for it?". "He says "tomorrow, when I'm on lunch". I had already explained to him I have work tomorrow, 11-5.
So I'm really fuming now, I've had the crappiest 24 hours so far, but I figure I can get my mom to do it since it only takes like 5 seconds to put it in.
She's watching TV, so I say "mom when you're done with your show can you come put this in, it takes a few days for it to process, so the quicker we put it in the better".
"But it'll only take like 5 seconds, I'll have it all set up all you gotta do is put in the number and that's it you're done."
"I said tomorrow".
I'm shaking with anger now, but privately because an opinion means punishment. So I get on the computer, and she decides to tell me then "Don't make any plans for Friday" (I have friday off). I had already made plans to go to my friend's house, my best friend whom I haven't seen in ages. She approved of them. I tell her about them, and she tells me to cancel them.
"Why?" I say.
She tells me we're going to some water park. Wonderful, so now my friday is ruined. I get to go to some place full of screaming kids playing in water and walk around all day and be reprimanded by my dad and do nothing I enjoy (I only like swimming, not playing in stupid little kiddie pools and crap). Wonderful.
I've inserted them randomly. I'm not even touching the 'so I was like' and other such teenagerisms.
Originally posted by XanthosNZVery well done young Padawan...
I hate my parents. A lot. Get this:
Last night, my mom tells me to go scrape the food out of the pot and put it down the disposal. My dad yells at me when I leave. Why? For not cleaning the whole kitchen. She only told me to do that, and he figured that since I was already in there I should just assume I should clean the whole thing. Whatever, he does t ...[text shortened]... nserted them randomly. I'm not even touching the 'so I was like' and other such teenagerisms.
The young lad now needs to learn to negotiate.
MaybeONEday, on your article:
If you have to cancel an appointment with a friend to go to a waterpark, see if you can get your friend to come along to the waterpark with you.
I have a feeling that the parents are on different wave lengths than you. What you could do is ask them questions about their motives, so that you can understand why they make the choices they make.
You can turn this around as well: Instead of just skipping appointments, sit your parents down and explain about your eyes being sore and that you don't want to go to the appointment.
Communication is the key problem, if I understand your article correctly.