Sorry, can't remember if English is your 1st language. Andrews
comment was meant to be a joke based on the "traditional"
policemans greating of " 'ello 'ello, whats going on here then?"
Don't know if it was right to put this - common sense and tact centers
not functioning. No offence means
I want a cigarette,
argh, dammit - I hate text - I can't tell when people are being
sarcastic or when they're joking or when I've just said the most stupid
things and not even realise it.
Lyn, I really hope I haven't offended you. I just didn't want a
misunderstanding (that would have been noones fault) to cause
another argument. But I should have shut up in the frist place, so I'll
do that now.
So you mean all this time you've been winking at me you haven't
actually been chatting me up, teasing me with a suggestive wink as I
wonder what you are wearing, but rather, you have merely been
offering me playful, tongue in cheek sideswipes and whimsical
comments instead?
Andrew, I'm crushed ;o)
The Squirrel Lover