@a-unique-nickname saidI'm not a fool
Are you a fool?
I'm just a ghoul
So lets have a war
Bring on the gore
@the-grifter saidYou are not going to get any free pity in this town. But for 10% of what you earn yearly (gross income) I'll give you fatherly pity, and a song on pity.
my pity bowl is empty.
fill it ?
"As a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him."
@the-grifter saidpity bowl describes ones soul
my pity bowl is empty.
fill it ?
cake tastes grand
my heart bleeds
@david-burton saidSo unzips wouldn't fit right? π
pity bowl describes ones soul
cake tastes grand
my heart bleeds
@very-rusty saidThe Rust shows age
So unzips wouldn't fit right? π
oxygen destroys
breath slowly wise one
@david-burton saidRust shows rot not age.
The Rust shows age
oxygen destroys
breath slowly wise one
oxygen does not destroy
breath as required. π π