Having just watched England tumble out of the World Cup I'm not
really in the mood for typing, but one thing that might make my day a
little brighter is if Alex manages to beat Spencer in tonight's Big
Brother eviction! I have a feeling I may have just lost all the respect
and admiration I have painstakingly built up over the years..., but if
you're in the UK, please help...
To evict SPENCER
call 09011 15 44 06 (calls 25p, mobile costs may vary)
or text message VOTE SPENCER to 83188
(25p plus your usual text message cost)
I couldn't stand watching the first Big Brother - I found it very
annoying - although I found the Nasty Nick thing quite interesting. I
know almost nothing about BB2 but this third one has me interested -
just because of the two walkouts and the weirdness of Alex - I find it
curious - maybe I just didn't give the first two a chance. I am looking
forward to Saturday's task though where two people will have to pick
teams like the old days back in the school playground to see who
goes on the poor side and who goes on the rich side. Oh dear, I am
so sad. Vote Spencer Out!!
To those people (probably few in number) who don't have a Big Brother show in your country: Big
Brother is a TV show where a bunch of people are kept in a 'house' full of cameras, asked to
perform challenges, and then removed from the house one by one by being nominated by the
housemates and then voted out by the viewers. The winner receives a lot of money.
To those who do: what is so exciting? I just don't get why there is so much interest in a group of
people sleeping, eating, talking and occasionally arguing, when all they're trying to do is convince
the other housemates and the public to keep them in so they can win some money, or just get the
x weeks of public attention that they so desperately feel they deserve.
You're quite right, of course. I only enjoy watching the odd people
like Alex and Jade in this year's... this conversation of Jade's is not
even the most ridiculous she has come out with, bless her...
Spencer: "You know you see those people in Venice standing on the
back of gondolas, pushing it around?"
Jade: "They don't do that on the Thames though, do they?"
Spencer: "No. I don't work on the Thames. I work in Cambridge."
Jade: "Is there not the Thames there?"
Spencer: "No!"
Jade: "Is there a river called the Cambridge river?"
Spencer: "Yeah, it's called the Cam."
Jade: "Really? You swear? I only thought there was the Thames. I
thought that was the main one in London."
Spencer: "It is. I don't live in London."
Jade: "I'm confused. I thought Cambridge was in London. I knew
Birmingham weren't in London."
Spencer: "Would you like to go and tell the group what you just said?"
Jade: "No..."
Spencer: "Cambridge is a city."
Jade: "But we've got a city in London."
Spencer: "Yes. This city is called London. And there's different parts of
it. Cambridge is a city."
Jade: "Of where? Kent?"
Jade: "Well England's a country, London's a city, Bermondsey's just a
throw-off. Now where are you? What's your country, and what's your
Spencer: "What country am I from? England. The city is called
Cambridge, the county Cambridgeshire."
Jade: "So not Kent then?"
Spencer: "Nooooo.... The region is called East Anglia."
Jade: "East Angular? That's abroad. Is there not a place called East
Angular abroad?"
Spencer: "Jade, have you been taking the stupid pills again?"
Jade: "Every time people tell me they work in East Angular, I actually
think they're talking about near Tunisia and places like that. Am I
Jade: 'East Angular? That's abroad'
Spencer: "Well, I hate to say it, but you are."
Jade: "Cos Scottish and Irish and all that comes under England,
doesn't it?"
Spencer: "No... They come under Great Britain. Scotland and Wales
have their own flags. Northern Ireland and Ireland are different."
Jade: "So they're not together? Where's Berlin?"
Spencer: "Germany..."
I have to admit that is pretty funny, but it also seems a bit cruel keeping her in the house, unless
Jade is actually a highly skilled satirist who is pretending to be stupid, in which case she should get
her own TV show. Didn't another "odd person" decide he'd had enough and leave the house
without being voted out?