27 Oct 16
Originally posted by josephwAt least H learns from her mistakes. You can't say that for T. The last I saw, he stopped campaigning to tout his latest hotel, which BTW, customers are flagging, and I don't know if you heard, he has a star on Sunset Blvd, which someone took apart with a sledge hammer.
You think?
Don't tell me you think Hillary is the lesser of two evils!
He seems to me to be losing interest in the election. But that was always going to be the case, he has a short attention span and I mean that quite literally.
His own biographer found that out during interviews where he was trying to dig out stories of T's life and after a few minutes in the chair T would start fidgeting looking bored and announced the interview was over and the details of that interview were not even negative, just normal stuff, where did you go to school, what did you like to eat kind of questions nothing intimidating but he still got nervous after just a few minutes like that and that happened a lot during the interview process for the ghost writer.
He has the temperment of a 16 year old and is very volitile. I would not want him to be in charge of the military where some provication would cause him to over react, send in a hundred thousand troops to the Ukraine or some other hot spot and start a real shooting war not with ISIS but with Russia or China or North Korea.
We don't need volitile persons in charge. Period. He is not such a fantastic businessman as he thinks either.
He was GIVEN a million or more bucks to start his empire not like Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniac or Bill Gates or Carnegie who started with ZERO and built REAL empires not based on buying and selling and being cheap with contractors.
You should study his business dealings. They are not pretty. Not paying architechs fully for signed contract work, using undocumented workers, conspiring to keep out blacks from his holdings, refusing to release his tax return which only builds up the rumors like my idea, that he doesn't want his loses to be seen by the public or his dealings with shady characters. That is my opinion as to why he won't release his tax returns. He doesn't want people to see he in fact payed no taxes for 18 years and probably the next 5 years also.
You really want a cretin like that in the white house. Notice I didn't even mention his sexual abuse accusers. That is a whole other issue but one that has plagued a lot of presidencies BESIDES Bill Clinton's. You probably remember JFK and Marylin Monroe but that is just the tip of the iceberg, probably half the presidents have skeletons in the closet, where he drops his pants is not really my concern, that is his and his wife's concern and whomever he abuses and the legal system will never convict him just like they won't convict Bill Cosby who was far worse than T in that regard, blatant in fact.
Of course T was almost as bad but not to the extent of actually drugging his victims. At least they knew exactly what he was after. Which is not even the beginnings of saying I condone such activity, it's just that on the bigger picture I would be a LOT more worried about his lack of attention span, his impetuousness, acting out like a 16 year old and apt to jump the gun militarily BESIDES all the BS that would surround his statements about building giant walls around Mexico and making the Mexicans pay for it, especially now that there are in fact a lot less Mexican immigrants legal or illegal. It's just like his issues with the 'rigged' elections and voter fraud. Voter fraud is a red herring touted by the Republicans in order to rig things in their own way by denying voters who have traditionally voted for decades but unable for one reason or other to get a picture ID even though they are in fact registered, in some states that is not good enough and THAT my friend is gerrymandering political BULLSHTYE directly designed to swing elections in favor of republicans.
So other than that, they are all ok.