I'll be on vacation as of December 13th but I'm not sure for how long. Definitely
3 weeks and maybe longer. I won't have access to the site for at least the first
3 weeks. I don't intend to start any new games and hopefully all the games I have
on the go will have been decided by then. My question is, can I suspend
operations until I get hooked up again and secondly, can I just pick up where I
left off, rating wise?
Jack (percival86)
I will have the 'on vacation' mode in place by the start of your holiday.
It will not block timeouts - but it will inform people that you are away -
and request they don't time you out.
I suggest you only accept games from people that you know will not
abuse this holiday period to claim cheap wins.
Your account will remain forever - your rating will not change. [But
your MAP rating will fall through the floor :p ]