For a one time upfront fee and a small monthly maintenance surcharge I am willing to guarantee that you will be free from belittling, bullying, badgering, basic insults, belligerant commentary, etc... from various forum riff raff. A negotiable fee will be charged to add additional people to your personal 'will not abuse me' list.
With this offer, you will have the freedom to explore the threads and make commentary without the fear of said riff raff making astute observations about your utter stupidity, your Mom's sexual antics, your family tree, suggestions of bestiality, your spelling, and plain old lies, gossip and innuendo. In fact, if you act now, we have a discount 'friend for life' package. With this package, you will receive encouraging commentary, praise from a team of professionals and the abuse of those that dare to mock your retardo powers. A nominal 'ego boost' fee will be added for any recs that we give you on even your most inane posts. Finally, once you subscribe to our basic protection package you will be elligble for our customized 'spam-a-lot' and 'wack-a-RHP'er' programs. These programs will allow you request a quote for a full scale assault on an RHP'er of your choice. For a limited time we're offering our "We'll make'em cry or your money back" guarantee.
Think of this as insurance... protection is such a harsh word... an investment in the RHP experience.
Originally posted by Moldy CrowThat is the 'riff raff' I was alluding to of course. I just want to make sure the formal program is rolled out. The Moldy Crow Premium Punishment Package is selling well and your residual check will be in the mail shortly.
We already have this plan . It's called "the Guttersnipe Clan" .
Originally posted by bambeeMore saddened actually bambee. The recent terroist bombings are just the straw that broke the camels back. I look at the sum total of human history and despair. In 50,000 years we still haven't learned a damn thing. For a species that has so much potential, incredible drive and intelligence, great potential for compassion and humanity, how can we be so short sighted, petty and self serving. Alas, I feel that we will continue to wallow in our own stupidity and the future looks bleak.
Why are you fed up HH? ๐