Foreword: I am sincerely sorry if the following text is an insult to your IQ. For what is worth, I´ve really tried to avoid posting this here but it bothers me very much.
I´ve decided to shed some light on the topic... Upon registration, every Facebook user is
kindly asked to say something "About Me"..
This paragraph should say something about Me. I guess I should say who is Me. Not an easy task by any means ; truth to be told, I´ve never met anybody who will raise his/her/it´s head (or at least an eyebrow for that matter) after being called out in a "Hey, Me !" fashion. Who the f... i mean who the heck is that Me ? How do you even pronounce his/her/it´s name ? I am afraid no simple answer would suffice.
What I propose is that all of Facebook users gather around to form some kind of Guiness-record worthy round table in a desperate attempt to locate our mysterious individual. Maybe someone will eventually stand out from that amorphous Facebook crowd and anounce ; "I know Me", or to shout in a goosebumps-inducing "I am Spartacus, pardon, Me" style. Only time will show. Meanwhile, let´s catch some rabbits and make a good goolash. Aha, you wonder what goolash means ??! Haha. I won´t say. Because I do not know. I´ve just made it up.
Originally posted by adramforallI heard your brain is finally working.