Trailers were rolling and all the late stragglers were noisily pushing past everyone, making 'me stand up as they do. A HUGE fat guy with a broken leg in plaster waddled in on his crutches assisted to his seat by an usher. The usher sat him down in the same row as me and my mate, about 6 seats to left. The usher let him stick his broken leg up on the chair in front to make him comfortable, handed him his LARGE popcorn and LARGE drink. Movie started, and about 15 minutes into it there was an loud, splintering crash and thump. Everyone looked about to see what was going on, but there was nothing visibly broken around (mainly cos it was dark) so everyone turned back to watch the movie. 5 minutes later my mate dropped his pack of Malteasers, leaned over to pick them up and then burst out laughing hysterically... which was kind of odd and embarrassing as nothing funny was happening in the movie and people kept turning round to go "Shhhhh!" I kept asking what it was but he could barely control his laughter long enough to speak so just pointed to where the fat guy was sitting.... (Can you guess what happened yet?)
I looked over and the big fat guy was sitting on the floor in a pile of broken chair and popcorn, leg still up on the chair in front happily munching on sweets and sipping his drink like NOTHING had happened. Me and my mate then spent the rest of the movie trying to hide our squeals of laughter at the poor fella in funny parts of the movie. No one else noticed the poor guy until the lights came on, he never cried for help and everyone thought we were a pair of retards laughing hysterically at even slightest joke in the movie.
I've never laughed so hard in my life... came close with my Church incense incident though ;-P