February Potpourri
* Most all jokes rely on a set up and a knock down. Incongruity also works.
* Music is essentially a game of notes. Wrong notes are often funny notes.
* Some posts seem like rapid and shallow breathing, symptomatic of anxiety.
* Maybe being crabby is a hedge against rage. Introverts are people too.
* Uptight, antsy, nervous, angry and chained in knots must be a bummer.
* Laughter enables us to release hostility. Let's give thanks for humo(u)r.
* 'You only go around once' may actually be untrue... some go in circles.
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby* February reminds me that any excuses the weather previously offered for not taking down the lights are now expired. I hate February sometimes!
[b]February Potpourri
* Most all jokes rely on a set up and a knock down. Incongruity also works.
* Music is essentially a game of notes. Wrong notes are often funny notes.
* Some posts seem like rapid and shallow breathing, symptomatic of anxiety.
* Maybe being crabby is a hedge against rage. Introverts are people too.
* Uptig ...[text shortened]... humo(u)r.
* 'You only go around once' may actually be untrue... some go in circles.
After Certain Disastrous Campaigns
Answer me, year of repulses!
How will the poets, of ages hence, look back to you, and to me also?
What themes will they make out of you, O year?
(themes for sarcastic ironical laughter?)
What are the proofs to be finally shown out of you?
Are they ot to be shown with pride, as by bards descended from me?
my children?
Are they really failures? Are they sterile incompetent yieldlings after all?
Are they not intended to be victorious shouts from my children?
---Walt Whitman
Originally posted by duecerRec'd.
After Certain Disastrous Campaigns
Answer me, year of repulses!
How will the poets, of ages hence, look back to you, and to me also?
What themes will they make out of you, O year?
(themes for sarcastic ironical laughter?)
What are the proofs to be finally shown out of you?
Are they ot to be shown with pride, as by bards des ...[text shortened]... my children?
---Walt Whitman
Originally posted by Grampy BobbySuffice to say, reality shows hadn't been thought up in his day, so you'll need to cut him a little bit of slack.
* Webber took practical cats to the next level to be sure and yet it seems somewhat of a dark triad
to view life as theater, yourself as a manipulative puppeteer and other people as wood on strings.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHCut Lloyd Andrew some slack? You really think so, Mister Freaky?
Suffice to say, reality shows hadn't been thought up in his day, so you'll need to cut him a little bit of slack.
Please let me ponder your suggestion even as I ponder TS' JAP...
"I grow old. I grow old …
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each."