-Removed-Far be it from me to discuss whatever my proclivity or prowess for violence may or may not be or what my personal history is in this regard. I see this kind of thing as online message-board drivel at its most pathetic. You should think long and hard, divegeester, about whether your rather obvious efforts to smoke such utterly sad people out into the open in this way is unkind to them seeing as they apparently cannot help themselves.
@fmf saidShurrup or I'll bray ya!
Far be it from me to discuss whatever my proclivity or prowess for violence may or may not be or what my personal history is in this regard. I see this kind of thing as online message-board drivel at its most pathetic. You should think long and hard, divegeester, about whether your rather obvious efforts to smoke such utterly sad people out into the open in this way is unkind to them seeing as they apparently cannot help themselves.
02 Jul 22
@the-gravedigger saidDefinition of bray
Shurrup or I'll bray ya!
(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. : to utter the characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey a braying donkey also : to utter a sound like a donkey's bray with laughter. transitive verb. : to utter or play loudly or harshly "I'm the best!" he brayed. 🙂
02 Jul 22
@very-rusty saidAll correct but to bray someone is also English slang to beat someone up.
Definition of bray
(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. : to utter the characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey a braying donkey also : to utter a sound like a donkey's bray with laughter. transitive verb. : to utter or play loudly or harshly "I'm the best!" he brayed. 🙂
@the-gravedigger saidThank you, I don't know English Slang, but learning old chap~! 🙂
All correct but to bray someone is also English slang to beat someone up.