25 Nov 15
Originally posted by moonbusApart from Egypt The Gambia is the only African country I have visited. I was lucky
Gambia joins the civilized world
enough to be there when the Miss Africa contest was being staged at my hotel. The
Gambian women are stunningly attractive and I think any one of our waitresses could have won!
26 Nov 15
Maybe other countries can learn something from the great German school turnaround?
"It took Germany just over a decade to improve test scores and reduce inequality. Their education overhaul is a lesson in structure, monitoring and philosophy".
26 Nov 15
Originally posted by lolofMaking the practice illegal may merely drive it underground. But it signals a willingness to confront the issue, which is a start at least.
Unfortunately those traditions are brought and maintained in other countries. We know they happen here too but they are very difficult to stop.
Originally posted by moonbusA first step to protect young girls from this horrible tradition. It is illegal here of course, but I suppose it is only discovered when women come to hospital for check-ups or give birth, and very often their husbands are present too.
Making the practice illegal may merely drive it underground. But it signals a willingness to confront the issue, which is a start at least.
Originally posted by lolofThe bizarre thing about the practice is that mothers have midwives come and perform it on their own daughters. There will have to be a persistent and wide-spread program of consciousness raising, not just a new law; women in such countries need to be educated to not want and seek FGM anymore. And the men, of course, will have to start thinking differently about what marital fidelity is based on (if not physical incapacity for infidelity). The hard work is yet to come for those people.
A first step to protect young girls from this horrible tradition. It is illegal here of course, but I suppose it is only discovered when women come to hospital for check-ups or give birth, and very often their husbands are present too.