Fixed phones disapperad from crime novels.
I have the one at home, I pay subscription, but I can't remember when the last tima I used it.
In my rented Copenhagen-apartment last year I had a bakelite fixed phone, with obsolete number written by graffit pencil (!)... I phoned a couple of times jus to taste it again...
Originally posted by vanderveldeAt our house we have a landline for internet plus 5 handsets, plus 2 cellphones. If we want to make calls we both use the landlines. Cellphones may be convenient but they're too fiddly to bother with unless we're away from home. I can see the attraction if you need to rent, though. Our house phones are modern, they're not Bakelite, can't recall seeing a Bakelite phone in the last decade.
Fixed phones disapperad from crime novels.
I have the one at home, I pay subscription, but I can't remember when the last tima I used it.
In my rented Copenhagen-apartment last year I had a bakelite fixed phone, with obsolete number written by graffit pencil (!)... I phoned a couple of times jus to taste it again...