is it just me or some bits of halo2 are a bit disapointing like the ending and with the new weapons they dont have enough ammo so when you are doing the hard level they run out straight away, but i like the multi deul and the rockets with homing missiles
What are youre thoughts on both halo & halo2?????????
The bullet hoses(SMG) worked well, and so did the magnums and assult rifle, but most of the time you didn't have any room for movement, and those weapons often are best for distance fighting. The covenant weapons, while more powerful, I found were not packing the punch to get rid of them. Overall though I think the covenant did come up with two good weapons: Fuel rod cannon and the sword. That is, until you find the scarab gun.😀
I really, really miss the pistol from Halo I. I was pretty good at it. I am pretty disappointed with Halo II overall. The environments are very cool and so are the weapons but the campaign storyline was boring. I didn't even finish it.
Multi-player is a joke but I am probably saying that because I suck 🙂
Originally posted by Mercerand also if they make the marines better as well, muliplayer is ok but i prefer the multiplayer on halo but the more people playing the better
True, true, but it is a very original story line.
If they improve the human weapons, lengthen the levels for more than one way to each objective, work on their endings, and make the enemies smarter and harder to fight, it would be a great game. And make better body injury graphics.
That is kinda true, but think about this. I had a marine buddy that followed me throughout an entire level on legendary without dieing, but was shot up so much that I could have sworn that he had no face left. But then there are the ones that take a single shot from a needler ot plasma pistol and fall over dead.
You mean the none-existant-three hits without shield-you're dead bar.
Well, I prefer it to be this way, with low life, but there should be a difference between getting shot with a carbine in the head and dying, and getting shot in the head with a beam rifle or plasma rifle or plasma pistol, hell, on legendary you get shot in the face with anything you die. There should be some upgrades to the shields and to the life bar, but we shouldn't get to take 50 shots from a fuel rod cannon before dying either.