sorry to disappoint you, but the german attack on Moscow was abandoned not because of the amercians or as most think, because of the weather, but because hitler wanted the all important Ukraine first, and so the army was dirverted, allowing the russians time to regroup and produce a counter attack... america had nothing to do with this, d-day was to happen 2 and a half years later!
i managed to find some info on this from the net just to back up my point:
" December 1941, Hitler, eager to occupy the rich Ukraine first, orders to stop army group Center's advance to Moscow and to transfer its two tank armies to army groups "North" and "South". This is perhaps Hitler's greatest mistake in losing the war."
Originally posted by eatmybishop10+10=100
sorry to disappoint you, but the german attack on Moscow was abandoned not because of the amercians or as most think, because of the weather, but because hitler wanted the all important Ukraine first, and so the army was dirverted, allowing the russians time to regroup and produce a counter attack... america had nothing to do with this, d-day was to happ ...[text shortened]... roups "North" and "South". This is perhaps Hitler's greatest mistake in losing the war."
Originally posted by eatmybishopIt certainly was one of Hitler's great mistakes, yes.
sorry to disappoint you, but the german attack on Moscow was abandoned not because of the amercians or as most think, because of the weather, but because hitler wanted the all important Ukraine first, and so the army was dirverted, allowing the russians time to regroup and produce a counter attack... america had nothing to do with this, d-day was to happ ...[text shortened]... roups "North" and "South". This is perhaps Hitler's greatest mistake in losing the war."
However, let me remind you of Roosevelt telling Churchill: "We wish you all the best."
June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied Troops landed long a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy. The D-Day cost was high -more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded -- but more than 100,000 Soldiers began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler.
(from US Army website)
160,000 US troops in Europe, plus bombing raids, and naval gunfire. Prior to our invasion in Normandy, the British were near surender. Six more months of German bombers, and there would have been nothing left for them to protect their tiny island with. Russia played a huge role as well, as they tied up the German Army on the western front. Hitler kept pushing on that front because he knew if he could defeat the Russians before we invaded, their would be nothing to stop them in conquering all of europe
Originally posted by eatmybishopWhen the price of ignorance hits $200 a share, sell your brain. 😞
sorry to disappoint you, but the german attack on Moscow was abandoned not because of the amercians or as most think, because of the weather, but because hitler wanted the all important Ukraine first, and so the army was dirverted, allowing the russians time to regroup and produce a counter attack... america had nothing to do with this, d-day was to happ ...[text shortened]... roups "North" and "South". This is perhaps Hitler's greatest mistake in losing the war."
Originally posted by duecerthis almost brings up back to the "was the us needed to defeat hitler" thread in debates.... i agree with you, the uk could never have defeated hitler without the us, but like i said before, the us could not have done it without the uk, it would have had no where to launch dday from, this would have to had been done from russia, so now the germans would only be fighting a war from the east... with holland and france still under german territory
June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied Troops landed long a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by da ...[text shortened]... the Russians before we invaded, their would be nothing to stop them in conquering all of europe
Originally posted by eatmybishopNews Flash:
why do you consider it ignorance.... i would have said it was ignorance for americans to claim hitler diverted because of the americans?
The war is over, hello...... Let's beat a dead horse till it cries out shall we. You're a douchebag, and not an expensive one.
Originally posted by eatmybishopI'm American and I've never said that, nor have I ever heard any of my colleagues mention that at all. Hitler would not divert because someone was in the way, he had his own insane reasons to divert. I assume this is common knowledge about Hitler, maybe not. But you are ignorant for your continuous "Hey America, Screw You" type of threads. When you try to look at history with that view, you will appear ignorant to people who actually have intelligence, even if you are on the right track with your train of thought. If you left your personal america bashing ignorant remarks out of it, Hitlers reasons for diverting may have been a more interesting topic to discuss with you.
why do you consider it ignorance.... i would have said it was ignorance for americans to claim hitler diverted because of the americans?