Does anyone else here collect coins, or foreign currency? I've always had a mild interest in it, and have collected a few odds and ends over the years, but now I'm starting to get more into it. I bought a German 500 million Mark note from 1923 on ebay today for 99¢. I figure 500 million of anything for only 99¢ has got to be a good deal.
Just wondered if anyone else had this as a hobby as well.
I collected old and current moneys when i was younger,due to the fact that my father worked in a big hotel,so he got all kind of money.
He worked in Germany in the sixties,when deutsch mark was valuated pratically nothing,and I have some banknotes of 20 million marks.
I have also some moneys of Napoleonic period in Italy.
Now i don't collect them because no one was interested in it,so my little passion slowed during the last years.
Originally posted by rwingettI have a stash of assorted European coinage which I'm hoping becomes rare as the consequences of Euro-induced disuse set in. In particular, I have some old aluminum cylinders with pictures on them that in the DDR were apparently used as currency 😉...
Now I've gone and bought two 1 pound notes from Biafra, two notes from Cuba with Che's picture on them, 1 something or other from Zaire, and I've got my eye on a 1916, 5 piastre note from the Ottoman Empire.
Ebay is evil.
Originally posted by The Slow Pawnthe old coinage was better but more bulky than the present . Half a crowm and two bob bit with a shilling , value in pennys 30 24 12 never had enough though.
I like English coins and have various semi-expensive coins stemming back to the 1850's ...
Just like the fact that whenever there is a new king/queen we get new coins 😉