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France calls for change in FIDE!!

France calls for change in FIDE!!


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French Chess Federation Call For New FIDE Leadership


The Board of Directors of the French Chess Federation, reunited,
Saturday, June 15, in Paris, has decided, unanimously, to commission
its President, Jean-Claude Loubatière, to propose an alternative
direction to the present leadership of FIDE.

The functioning of FIDE today is unworthy of an International Sporting

The President visibly has his mind on other things than Chess and
decisions are taken by a small court, more interested in its privileges
than the smooth running of FIDE.

There are no more real exchanges with the National Federations. The
President’s letter, the FIDE Forum and the FIDE Handbook have
progressively disappeared, and the administration has slackened.

The organisation of the Youth Championships takes place in an
environment of general indifference. The best players are less and
less interested by traditional important events like the Olympiad. The
rules of competitions change all the time, destabilising Continental
Championships. And a new time control was imposed without the
slightest consultation with the top players and the National

Today, there is no more political will and no real prospect of
development. The only positive aspect is the reunification plan for the
World Championship thanks to the initiative of Yasser Seirawan. This
plan should be brought to fruition under the best conditions.

It is true that the personal wealth of the President, nevertheless of
questionable origin, has permitted the organisation of the World KO
Championships and the Grand Prix. But, seven years later, we can
only see that they have done nothing to further Chess development.

The media has completely ignored these events, speaking more
easily of the problems with Kasparov or the law suits of Karpov or
Zsuzsa Polgar.

The financial situation is still very worrying. In spite of the paltry
services rendered, FIDE has increased the charges of the National
Federations, putting into financial difficulty a certain number of them.

The creation of shell companies, signing contracts with FIDE for 20
years (World Chess Foundation), or for 30 years (FIDE Commerce),
without ever honouring them, stands witness to inadmissible practices
in a serious Sporting Federation.

All of this gives an intolerable image for Chess, keeps away the
media, discourages investment and sponsors, and soils the oldest
and most noble of games.

This situation is well known to amateurs and to the National
Federations. It would be irresponsible to let it continue for four more

The specialised press will know how to create a strong international

The French Chess Federation calls for the mobilisation of the National
Federations in favour of change during the elections, next November,
in Bled.

The time has come to form a team representing the 5 continents,
motivated only by the good of Chess and capable to respond to the
immense expectations of the Chess World.

Montpellier, June 18, 2002

***Taken from TWIC***

Captain USA

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