15 Apr 23
@the-gravedigger saidI love macroni and cheese
Mostly young folks who don't give a rats a$$ about pensions.
Sick of Macron and don't want to be led into WW3.
@divegeester saidThe politics in France don't concern me. Shoot fire, I could take over the country with a peashooter. I refer back to the first two world wars.
What an amazingly trite comment on a serious situation.
First foreign legionaire: What does this silly American have?
Second legionaire: A peashooter. That could sting or put out ze eye, no?
1st: Oh no! He has a sling shot!
2nd: Get ze white flag!
@gambrel saidI refer back to the first two world wars.
The politics in France don't concern me. Shoot fire, I could take over the country with a peashooter. I refer back to the first two world wars.
OK, I will refer back to them too.
Do you seriously think something happened in WW1 that can be likened to Germany "taking over" France and doing so "with a peashooter"?
Surely, in WW1, the 1,300,000 French soldiers who died ~ successfully repelling the German invaders ~ say something different?
As for WW2, in Europe ~ including the liberation of Europe from the Germans ~ France lost 217,000 soldiers, the U.S. lost 290,000, the U.K. lost 260,000, and Canada lost 42,000. Was the Wehrmacht that swept west in 1940 really something that can be likened to "a peashooter"?
Why would you choose to ~ if you'll pardon my metaphor ~ urinate on the graves of people who lost their lives beating the Nazis?
You are peddling a historically-illiterate fatuous American trope that deserves to be retired from adult conversations.
16 Apr 23
@badradger saidI’ll say one thing in your favour; you were caught lying about your macho boozy exploits, but you roll with the punches far better than Suzianne does when she’s caught lying.
me too with 10 pints of lager.
@divegeester saidyuck foo
I’ll say one thing in your favour; you were caught lying about your macho boozy exploits, but you roll with the punches far better than Suzianne does when she’s caught lying.
@divegeester saidwhat target was that pray tell?,you got ya pea shooter out again Dive....well thats what your missus calls it HOHOHO
I was on target again 🤩
@badradger saidYou’ve been caught telling lies about yourself badradger.
what target was that pray tell?,you got ya pea shooter out again Dive....well thats what your missus calls it HOHOHO
One day you are claiming your were hard drinking “10 pints a night” tough guy and a smoker in poor health. Another day you claim you’ve always been a “moderate drinker” and keep “reasonably fit”.
You’re a liar.
@divegeester saidAll things to All men....back to the pensions I just scraped in at 65 my wife thought she would finish at 60 but had another 21/2 years to do that cost her £19500.00 approx my son will have to work untill he is 68, still I suppose he could start claiming PIP and go on the pan crack.
You’ve been caught telling lies about yourself badradger.
One day you are claiming your were hard drinking “10 pints a night” tough guy and a smoker in poor health. Another day you claim you’ve always been a “moderate drinker” and keep “reasonably fit”.
You’re a liar.