Would it be much of an issue to show the game number on the screen
that displays your individual games - say in the box where your and
your opponents names are. Reason being, I find it useful to keep
notes about a strategy etc for each game and when I have 3 or 4
games going against the same opponent I have to keep going back
to the 'your games' screen to get the number of that particular game.
I think I understand where you mean, but it still involves waiting for
another window/screen to open. I just thought it would be easy that
when your current game is displayed where you are about to move,
that if the game number was there already you could refer to your
notes for that game without continually having to open up new
windows/screens. I appreciate the help, maybe I wasn't clear enough
in my original post. Best Wishes
I think tom & chris are talking about the address bar, which shows, for
example: 'http://www.redhotpawn.com/core/playchess.php?
gameid=55053' when you are in a game. Therefore, you know the
Game ID is 55053 without going to any other screen or window.
This is on Outlook, so I don't know if other browsers are the same.
This may be redundant with what has already been said, but...
If you look at the address bar of your web browser (ineternet explorer
for instance), you will see a line like the following displayed while
playing a particular game:
at the end of the line you see the info you want, ie gameid=51853
For your information, if you are keeping a list of your gameids, you
could switch between games by simply editing the above line and
replacing the current gameid with the id of the game you want go to
next. Just an alternate way of navigating...