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Game Numbers.

Game Numbers.


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86257 and 86258 lioness vs vaknso
86248 and 86249 misslead vs mwmiller
86264 and 86262 mommyoftwojps vs shoogi
86261 and 86259 mommyoftwojps vs Johnw249
86446 and 86449 Rhymester vs Maineb52
86421 and 86423 Turner62 vs Pawnking

Tournament players, Please post your game numbers below. You
should be sending the information to me (vaknso@aol.com) or Julia
(julia somers@hotmail.com). Also, both players should send the
results of their games us.

The Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King Of MAP
Most Titled Player
Asst. Captain Team USA

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ytrewq vs bishopford
game-numbers are:

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John, you missed out our games...

86400 and 86401 T1000 vs vaknso

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bessyboo - tonytiger41
86306 and 86290

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ReelEmInReid vs wwarrior - an epic battle
Games: 86467 & 86479
I will send confirming email to each of you tonight (local time).

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86400 and 86401 T1000 vs vaknso
86257 and 86258 lioness vs vaknso
86248 and 86249 misslead vs mwmiller
86264 and 86262 mommyoftwojps vs shoogi
86261 and 86259 mommyoftwojps vs Johnw249
86446 and 86449 Rhymester vs Maineb52
86421 and 86423 Turner62 vs Pawnking
86357 and 86358 ytrewg vs Bishopford
86467 and 86479 wwarrior vs ReelEmInReid

Tournament players, Please post your game numbers below. You
should be sending the information to me (vaknso@aol.com) or Julia
(julia somers@hotmail.com). Also, both players should send the
results of their games us.

The Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King Of MAP
Most Titled Player
Asst. Captain Team USA

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RDH v Tenebr8
Game id's
86485 and 86440

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NoGoodAmI vs. Amnell

Game numbers:

86439 and 86513

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86359 and 86360 for NovaBoy vs Flash

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GOOD luck to you my friend and remember watch your queen

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I offer the same to one of wonderful students.

Take your time and watch your pieces...you will do fine.

Proud of ya Doug!

USA Captain

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Dave, thanks! You are a great teacher and friend. I'll do my
best. :o)

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LOL Thanks Jason! I'll do my best. NovaBoy is obviously a good
player and I've already enjoy our games. He is a nice guys. Thanks
for the encouragement, your a great friend! :o)

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86552 = Mustangace - Boby Fisher
86093 = Boby Fisher - Mustangace

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86353 Mcdonan vs islanddoc 86335 Islanddoc vs Mcdonan 86326
Sintubin vs islanddoc 86325 islanddoc vs sintubin

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