Russ, Chris, anyone...
What exactly is the status on games allowed? I must have
misunderstood the recent threads. My understanding was that as a
non-Pawn-Star/non-subscriber I could still have more than 10 games
as long as they were initiated by someone with Pawn-Star/subscriber
status. Folks are now telling me they can't initiate games with me
because I have 10 going. Is there a glitch, or did I miss a ruling? Just
want to know for clarifying the issue in my own mind.
Sorry, but we had to toughen up on this.
10 games was always meant to be the limit, but some people had
over a hundred active games and they weren’t even pawn stars! So,
sorry – but the opportunity of further abuse has been removed.
(Although, technically not an abuse, as we allowed it to happen in the
first place.)
Hope this makes things clearer.