I obviously know the feeling.
Ironic, I finally decided to come back because I thought things had calmed
down. And then it hits the fan again. Ah well, at least now I'm just laughing
about it.
Yeah - go make some moves in those games! The MAP war awaits you.
Cry Havoc! And let slip the Pawns of War!
OK, I've got to stop these silly shakespeare misquotes.
Give me silly shakespeare misquotes over senseless, immature
bickering any day.
I too thought over this last week and more we'd had a pretty good
time in the forums. I've had several opponents say to me in games
that they are enjoying some of the posts being made by lots of
different people.
At the same time I know of several people who used to post and who
are well liked on the site that don't even bother visiting the forum
anymore. Seems like the number from that last paragraph will go
down, while the number associated with that last sentence will go up
and up.
I liked the silly Tolkien misqoute too. Made me want to try to come up with an
MAP war bastardization of the entire poem. But that's more sustained and
directed effort than I can muster. ME, my brain goes wandering off after just
a few moments of focus. Usually wandering in search of a beer.
Oh, if there was some verse oriented player here, some...Rhymer, some
Poetster, someone... who could do it justice. LOL.
Wanna take a crack at the whole thing? Or shall we leave it to the pro for
when he returns!?
Sadly, people like me are not allowed at RHPlive. Yes, those of us without the
Mark of the Devil on us, also known as the Microsoft logo, can't play with
To be more clear: RHP Live requires runnig Microsoft Windows, which I am
currently not running. So I can't play there. Given my poor ability at OTB
chess, that may be a blessing in disguise.
Apologies Rein. I totally missed the fact that it was a Tolkien
misquote. Been a very long day and night. Didn't read it right and
then thought you were just taking the piss out of my over the top
language describing Rhymester as the one true king, so had the
temerity to tell you to stop spoiling our fun.
This humour thing passes me by all too easily. My apologies :o(
The Squirrel Lover