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Giant Chess Pieces (outside) Question

Giant Chess Pieces (outside) Question


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Hello Good People -

I stumbled across a website that makes HUGE (up to 72 King!) chess pieces.

The place is www.giantchess.com and I was wondering if anyone had found any similar websites? Or knows of any similar companies.

I'm looking for some big chess pieces that I thought might go in the yard or on the porch. Does anyone know of any place that might sell such an item? The site listed here does NOT list prices unfortunately.

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,

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Hmm - looks like all the sites have call for price. I investigated this earlier in the year as I want to get a set next year for my girls to play with once they can lift the pieces. I remember prices varying from $500 to $1500 depending on the size and material.

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Come to Geneva and steal the large chess pieces at Parc des Bastions 😉

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i don't mean to hijack this thread or anything, but i have a question that is somewhat related. does anyone know where i can get a really tiny chessset, so small you'd need a magnifying glass to watch a game. i train fleas as a hobby, and i want to see if i can get them to play out some standard openings...

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don't know how you tried looking: i did a google search with terms
outdoor chess set

first non-uk site was

Got prices: no idea if they are good / bad (I noticed in the UK sites that the cost of exacly the same set varied WILDLY between sites). moral of the story: try 'em all out. An hour on the phone could save you a fortune!

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Thanks to everyone for the info. The prices I found, well, they were pretty high for the bigger sets at giant chess. Like more than a grand US dollars. And they do not sell individual pieces. Bummer. Guess I will just have to keep looking.... or figure out how to carve the huge tree in my yard 🙄 Thanks Again.

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