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Godzilla:Final Wars-bignewa

Godzilla:Final Wars-bignewa


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Don't know what happened to the original post. Here goes again:It has been revealed that in the movie Godzilla:Final Wars,the original Big G. will face the big running iguana from the 1998 American Godzilla film. The Japanese creature will be the usual man in a rubber suit,while the American critter is totally CGI. The site of the brawl will be Sydney,Australia,which naturally gets stomped flat. It's also no secret that the American wannabe gets his clock cleaned by the one and only original.

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Well,I just saw Godzilla:Final Wars,and what a major disappointment. They managed to rip off scenes from a ton of movies😕tar Wars,The Matrix,Indiana Jones,Independence Day,and Kung-Fu Hustle, among others. Too much time spent on the actors,not enough on the monsters. Monster fight scenes were too short,or looked like something out of the 3 Stooges. Monster designs ran the gamut from awesome(Gigan[first design],Zilla,Rodan,Angilas,Godzilla) to so-so(Mothra,Kumonga,King Seezar,Monster X,Manda)to pretty bad(Kamacuras,Minya,Super King Ghidorah,Hedorah,Ebirah,and Gigan 2nd design(tandem chainsaws for hands?). The ending was poor,and totally bogus-Godzilla was supposed to die,so that Toho could end the series on a logical note,yet they have super-sub Atragon bring the Big.G back to life. So,it seems Toho's claim that there will be no more Godzilla films for at least 5-10 years does not ring true.

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