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Great strategy game

Great strategy game


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Here's a great free strategy game if anyone's interested???


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Well it generally involves being an owner of land. You sow seeds and grow plants. Grow the plants and sell them. From the profits pay for more workers and new developments and slowly build an army to raid other peoples' land and steal it.
You can form alliances and spy on people etc.
If you want to know more, just go to the web site.
Bewarned though, it is addictive!

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
Well it generally involves being an owner of land. You sow seeds and grow plants. Grow the plants and sell them. From the profits pay for more workers and new developments and slowly build an army to raid other peoples' land and steal it.
You can form alliances and spy on people etc.
If you want to know more, just go to the web site.
Bewarned though, it is addictive!
I did go to their website, but it seemed like a lot of information to take in. I thought you could give us the lowdown instead. I have a few questions:

I assume it's turn based. If so, how frequently are the turns run?

You said it was free to play. Do they have a pay option that gives you more game features?

How many people play this at one time? What kind of interaction do you have with them? How critical are alliances?

It appears to have economic and military aspects to it. Is one apsect more important than the other?

Any other details would be appreciated.

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I assume it's turn based. If so, how frequently are the turns run?

You said it was free to play. Do they have a pay option that gives you more game features?

You can buy a certain amount of credits. These can be used to enforce your army or buy new developments. Beware though if your army gets slaughtered then its bye bye money. Yes, painful i know. This is why i don't bother. This is the one part of the game i don't like. It is a bit right wing if you ask me.

How many people play this at one time?

There's between 2000 and 3000 in the current round. Rounds last about 75 days.

What kind of interaction do you have with them? How critical are alliances?

You can PM anyone you wish to. Alliances aren't as critical as they used to be. You used to be able to form alliances with as many people as possible so there was a hard core of big fat meanies who would batter everyone into submission. Now you can only form a 'NAP' with two people. Still advisable to do so for back up though.

It appears to have economic and military aspects to it. Is one apsect more important than the other?

Any other details would be appreciated.

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