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Greatest escapes, who's had the best?

Greatest escapes, who's had the best?


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Italian Job, The Great Escape, who's got a story like this?

Picture the setting:
In Laos, floating down the Mekong river on a rubber ring, paddling over to the plethora of watering holes where the herb is the way, happily jumping off platforms and rope swings, drinking a Beer Lao, shmokin' in lethargic ecstacy, when... the local police turn up and "politely" enquire what you are doing with an illegal substance...
...given the gravity of a US$1000 fine when travelling (skint), or worse a Laos jail 😲, and the relaxed state of mind of the accused, the best blag available was complete denial with said article between second and middle finger, (hmmm convincing!), and then a slow walk toward the river, facilitated by the missus trying her best to decoy the "narcs". Good old Lady Luck allows accused within 5 feet of river, when, in a sudden burst of speed; the ring is grabbed and the "suspect" and evidence throw themselves into the river...

What weed guv.? Never seen any, smoked any, known anyone who does, check me if you like! 😀

Rubber ring down the river - the best escape route in a sticky situation!
(Note that that wasn't me officer, just imagination!😀😲)

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A similar story..without the drugs and such...

There was a little bit of trouble bewtween the town I used to live in and a suburb, and we decided to get 10 of the best fighters from each town and settle the score once and for all. 2 a.m....B'ville (us) invades a party in Armorel (them) and the whole thing goes down then and there...the cops bust up the party and the guy who's ass I was kicking starting dancing on me, like normally a guy and girl would, but he was a guy...the cops decided busting a gay party up would look bad for them, so they didn't do anything about it...heh...not too proud of that, but still a great escape...

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furry muff fella, that's a big admission I guess! Man on man simulation certainly scores some points on what it takes to escape!
I don't know what drugs you are talking about by the way, it was my... friend!
Looks like you receive "recs" which I tried, but failed, to understand earlier today, so you get one! (rec that is not a simulation of any kind...😠)

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Originally posted by Chess Moose
furry muff fella, that's a big admission I guess! Man on man simulation certainly scores some points on what it takes to escape!
I don't know what drugs you are talking about by the way, it was my... friend!
Looks like you receive "recs" which I tried, but failed, to understand earlier today, so you get one! (rec that is not a simulation of any kind...😠)
Oh yeah, it was hard, but, like you said, it was only for an escape

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Originally posted by Alpha10
Oh yeah, it was hard, but, like you said, it was only for an escape
Every persuasion of every kind is fine with me - as long as it doesn't negatively impact on anyone's life.

It was hard??? 😳

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Originally posted by Chess Moose
Every persuasion of every kind is fine with me - as long as it doesn't negatively impact on anyone's life.

It was hard??? 😳
Hahaha....no, thats not what I meant...it was hard to let another guy dance on you./

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Originally posted by Alpha10

A similar story..without the drugs and such...

There was a little bit of trouble bewtween the town I used to live in and a suburb, and we decided to get 10 of the best fighters from each town and settle the score once and for all. 2 a.m....B'ville (us) invades a party in Armorel (them) and the whole thing goes down then and there...the cops bu ...[text shortened]... so they didn't do anything about it...heh...not too proud of that, but still a great escape...
FUNNY Get's a rec ...

From a friend - doing a bit too much partying and toking , drunk and stoned trying to drive home (it's mid morning) . He's having a bit of difficulty finding his house he's so blasted . Get's pulled over for meandering around this neighborhood . Realizes as the cop's is taking his license that he's also got a trunk full of hash , a few sheets of acid , and other assorted party favors . He gets that sinking sick feeling as he's realizing he's probably going to jail for a long time . The sick feeling gets very intense , and makes him so nausiated he pukes on the cops shoes . The cop is so pissed off and grossed out , he throws Kevin's license back at him and says that it's a good thing he's just a half block from home or he'd throw the book at him . (In saying this he pointed at Kevin's house , and he now knows where he is .) He told him to get off the street and if he ever saw him again blah blah blah .

PS-(Normally driving under the influence is not a humorous thing to me . But this event combined with another made him realize he was out of control , and he straightened things out .)

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Originally posted by Moldy Crow
FUNNY Get's a rec ...

From a friend - doing a bit too much partying and toking , drunk and stoned trying to drive home (it's mid morning) . He's having a bit of difficulty finding his house he's so blasted . Get's pulled over for meandering around this neighborhood . Realizes as the cop's is taking his license that he's also got a trunk full of ...[text shortened]... ombined with another made him realize he was out of control , and he straightened things out .)
See, I STILL don't understand...

why don't I get a "rec" for the escape story and the fight story does.

Not that I am trying to double my average obviously.

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My buddy and I took a case of beer to the drive-in. After the movies we were on our way home when the cops pulled us over. They didn't pull us over cause of erratic driving or speeding; they pulled us over cause it was 2:30 am - the time the boozers get thrown out of the bars.😕 The officers told us to get out of the car.

The young, smart-aleck cop looked in the cooler and saw the open beer my partner had put back in there. Then he asked me why were were drinking and driving? I told him we had a few beers over a 4 hour time period at the drive-in, but we were not drinking on the road. So he picked up the beer and proceeded to pour it onto my driver's seat saying, "Well then, this shouldn't get your seat wet, right?"

At that point I calmly told him, "Mister, if you want to cite me for having open alcohol in the car that is your right. But I'm going to hire a lawyer and my partner and I are going to testify to what you have done here, and I think this will not only go on your record, you will probably be disciplined much worse than the ticket I will have to pay."

With that, the officer said, "Look, I'll give you a warning this time but we need to take this remaining beer to make sure you aren't going to drink and drive.", and they took the remaining beer and left. 🙂 True story

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Another great escape I had from the cops:

When I worked as a pipefitter 10 years ago, I was driving to work at 5:30 am and had my constuction uniform on - a green uniform provided by the company. Since we really didn't like to do things in public while in these uniforms I threw some street clothes in the back seat of my car.

Wouldn't you know it - only one other car on the road besides myself and it's the local cops! 🙁 They pulled me over cause they caught me speeding before I could slow down (going 10 over). But the real problem was after pulling me over, the officer asked me, "Where's the body that these clothes belong to?" 😕

I thought he was joking... but he wasn't. I explained that they were MY clothes (couldn't he see the green uniform I was wearing!?), but they were not satisfied with that. They searched me and then put me in the back of their cruiser and called in to see if anyone had reported a body in the area! 😲

Then they searched my vehicle for more clues... GEEZ, I guess these guys watch too many detective movies! Eventualy they had to let me go, making me late for work.

I was quite distraught about the incident so hired an attorney. After writing down everything that these guys did, the prosecutor dropped the speeding charge.

So the good news was I didn't have to pay a speeding ticket and get 2 points on my record. The bad news is it cost me $150 for the lawyer.

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at the last moment my boss asked me to work on a bardge and stay till its finished, so me and a work mate said ok, time 4-30pm, we got there and it was going to take 8+ hours so we went back to the office to make shure and get extra gear, 25min walk either way so we took a chance for a cupa and make a flask for latter, our boss came in and said if we wanted we could go home but the job needed to get done if we started, so we said yes walking back to the job on a river we see some youngsets shouting not hurring we got there and this young man was in a dingy floating out to sea and sinking fast so we were able to get to him just in time before it sank think he wasa lucky

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Greatest escape ever? Michael Jackson....

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A few years ago, me and a couple of mates went to Amsterdam for a couple of nights.
The first night we were walking back to our hotel late - drunk and more than a little stoned. A very short scottish guy latched onto us and started following us and interupting what we were saying to give us advice about what not to do in Amsterdam to avoid being mugged/have our passports stolen/get ripped off, etc.
Anyway, he was annoying us because the stuff he was telling us was really obvious and he wouldn't go away.
Then to cap it off he sticks out his hand and aska for money for his "advice". Well we just laughed and said no, but he carried on following us anyway.
After a while we took a wrong turn and ended up in a deserted back alley. We stopped to turn round and the guy said "I'm not joking now, give me some money". One of my friends ran off (the coward!), and me and this other guy looked down (we were 6ft+ and this guy was at most 5ft4). As we looked down we saw he was holding the most pathetic looking penknife. Maybe it was the dope, but we just burst out laughing and turned round and walked back to our hotel.

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I had a great escape against Ironman when he slipped with his mouse twice in one game and missed a checkmate.
it only lasted a few moves, then I was toast.

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