Ranting again. 30 day time outs and one never timeout... It's a pain
to see someone in recent players section who hasn't moved in your
game in a few days. henry46612 I'm calling you out. Resign already,
and I'm not accepting another request for draw for this game. Thank
you :-) (Unless you're trying to give me more points by winning a few
more games *ahem*)
On another (happier?) Note: RCSejka: Good games so far, but let's
get beyond sacrifices to get to positions, eh? I want to win one this
time! :-) no more draws :-)
Just a question? Who's been teaching MissSum how to play? I know
quite a few of us have taught her how to lose :-P but she's playing
much better recently ... Like, all of a sudden, within a day or two.
For the rest who have challenged me: I hope you've enjoyed the
games so far... I am learning bunches :-) Tim Robinson: good
game .. You're probably going to win, but I'm going to make you work
for it :-)
It is coming. I'm really sorry that we're dragging our heels a bit on
this one. Every now and then we come across a simple change which
turns out to be a bigger piece of work than we would have thought.
Hopefully the semi-solution (bug fix, really) of preventing someone
from offering a draw without ever moving will help a little.
I don't understand your dissapoinment with sacrificing. Are you talking
about even exchanges or when someone is losing and they just start
to swap pieces. Some people might be better with certain opponent's
pieces removed even if it unbalances them. However, if it is done just
to extend the game, I understand. Daniel
Actually, it's hard sometimes to impart humor in text. With RCSejka,
in particular, we had come to two draws in our first two games because
of equal swaps until no clear winner. So, I was just pouting a little
because I wanted a non-draw conclusion :-). There is a difference, and
I agree with you regarding certain of opponent's pieces removed even
if it unbalances them. I use that tactic, also, sometimes to get a
bishop off a particular diagonal or to distract another move. I
definitely don't have a disappointment with sacrificing in general, and
I guess sometimes things just work out anyway :-).