Originally posted by mokkoWell, go on... did you shag him?😲
While downtown this morning attending to stupid business that is driving me insane I happened to run into an old familiar face. It was that guy who I thumped one night in the bar! Hahahahaha. His bald little head still looks a bit lumpy. What a polite nice gentleman he has become.
Originally posted by mokkoWhat's a nice girl like you doing thumping men in a bar like that?
While downtown this morning attending to stupid business that is driving me insane I happened to run into an old familiar face. It was that guy who I thumped one night in the bar! Hahahahaha. His bald little head still looks a bit lumpy. What a polite nice gentleman he has become.
Originally posted by mokkoWell that's good, you know we were all starting to worry. It was getting to the point where housecalls seemed to be the only thing that was going to cheer you up.
NO! I most certainly did not! Besides I'm over that now. Was just a passing moment of weakness. I have since discovered the calming effects chocolate. 😏
Originally posted by mokkoWhat did he call you to deserve said thumping? And where was Canadaguy when all this was going down?
He called ME a very bad word word and he deserved a thumping for it, that's all. I got fired from my job over it. 🙁 And I wasn't even working at the time. I just thought it was funny to see him today and watch how polite he was to me. 😀
Tubthumping, by ChumbaWamba
I get knocked down but I get up again
You're not ever gonna keep me down
I get knocked down but I get up again
You're not ever gonna keep me down
I get knocked down but I get up again
You're not ever gonna keep me down
Pissing the night away, pissing the night away
I drink a whiskey drink
I drink a cider drink
I drink a lager drink
I drink a vodka drink
And that's all I can remember of that song...