22 Aug 20
@vivify saidOutstanding! The choreography works, even for playgoers not especially fond of hip hop. Voices and multi-level staging are effective. The history isn't always by the book, but close enough. Four stars!
Has anyone seen the play "Hamilton"? Great performance. "Hamilton" is currently playing on Disney Plus and I highly recommend giving it a watch.
@handyandy saidI think rap (spoken word) works particularly well since a lot of information is given that wouldn't be as effective if sung to the audience. There's a lot of history and context in the performance that probably couldn't be disseminated otherwise.
Outstanding! The choreography works, even for playgoers not especially fond of hip hop. Voices and multi-level staging are effective. The history isn't always by the book, but close enough. Four stars!
But you also have to give credit to the singing as well. All of the singers were excellent.