I would just like to take this opportunity to wish every one on this site a happy and prosperous new year,
Whilst at it, and in typical hollywood style, I would like to thank Exy and IceKnight for introducing me to the site, Russ for all his hard work (for little personal reward), The guys who persuaded me to stay on site after my spat with Dantes (best forgotten, we did kiss and make up!), Exy and David Tebb for graciously accepting me into their clans, every body I have beaten or drawn against, and last but no means least, the guys that have beaten me fair and square, especially Ironman & Tejo who I have had some very good games against (I must add Tejo never beat me 🙂, and Ironman was distinctly lucky all 5 times ;0) )
I would also like to thank my parents for conceiving me, and anybody else who I might have been in contact with over the last 37 years.