Originally posted by xxxenophobeWhat an inherently nasty thread.
Really ? I find the two equally gawd-awfull , but STANG seems to piss more people off . I wonder if we'd get mod-ed for starting a vote on the top 5 knobs on the site ?
---Moldy Crow
He might not but i will... its voting time.... nuthn to brutal... (snicker snicker)
Stang's just angry and has a focus problem. If you look at his sphere of interest and his sphere of influence, you'll find that he devotes all his attention to the sphere of interest and much less to his sphere of influence.
Obviously this means he sees a lot, but it also means he can't do much about it. This results in frustration.
I'm sure if you talk to him about local politics and getting physically involved with changing the neighbourhood, you'll see a side of him which is far more reasonable and less aggressive.
I noted in the other thread that Mel B's name was mentioned.
You'll probably find that he's slightly insecure and has had to take on a bit of a macho-esque personality to stop himself from being bullied. In real life that's very difficult to do, but on a message board it's a lot easier. I'm sure that complimenting him on the positive things he says and does will give him the safety he needs to really develop and be himself.
Seriously, don't bully people. Even if it is on a message board. Everyone has good sides and bad sides, you just need to peer beneath the surface and you'll find a wonderful world of interesting characters.
How boring and tragic would life be if we all had to be popular all the time?