Hers and his diary

Hers and his diary



16 Jun 05
23 Feb 12

Her diary:

He arrived home Tuesday night not speaking. He opened the door with his head down, slowly took off his coat and sat alone in the dining room.

I knew something was wrong. What have I done? Is this the end of our relationship? Has he met another woman? Does he not love me? I’m so upset.

I tried to talk to him and caressed him, held his hand, but I just knew something wasn’t quite right and dreaded hearing him say it was the end. I sat him on the couch and held him in my arms and he finally looked at me, held me back and he made sweet love to me.

His diary:

Blackpool 1 West Ham 4. Absolutely fkin gutted! Got a shag though.

14 Mar 04
23 Feb 12

Originally posted by Blackpoolmad
Her diary:

He arrived home Tuesday night not speaking. He opened the door with his head down, slowly took off his coat and sat alone in the dining room.

I knew something was wrong. What have I done? Is this the end of our relationship? Has he met another woman? Does he not love me? I’m so upset.

I tried to talk to him and caressed him, held hi ...[text shortened]... love to me.

His diary:

Blackpool 1 West Ham 4. Absolutely fkin gutted! Got a shag though.
You do that a lot? I mean support a loosing team?
Sounds a lot like some people over here with a certain Canadian hockey team (Toronto Maple Leafs....loosers)


16 Jun 05
23 Feb 12

No we'd of gone 3rd if we'd of won, so losers we are not (except Tuesday).
It was a joke by the way...


20 Jul 11
23 Feb 12

LOL. I wall always have a soft spot for Blackpool as your gaffer used to be our boss at PAFC. The Premiership misses and needs Ian Holloway.

14 Mar 04
24 Feb 12

Originally posted by Blackpoolmad
No we'd of gone 3rd if we'd of won, so losers we are not (except Tuesday).
It was a joke by the way...
The latter portion of mine was not. They, The Leafs (or as they are "affectionally referred to as "The Laughs) have not won the Stanley Cup (The Holy Grail of professional hockey) since 1967. Do the math ...that's a 45 year drought. 😀

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