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Hey Chris

Hey Chris


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What is the current running in the MAP (Most Active Posters) count?

Just curious.


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Most Active Posters...

Posted by Chrismo [23 September 2002 12:47]

In the course of playing around with the database I thought it would
be interesting to see who the most active posters of all time are...

Schliemann -> 1604
vaknso -> 948
sintubin -> 573
!~TONY~! -> 411
stevens -> 343
maggoteer -> 298
kirksey957 -> 287
tenebr8 -> 279
Rhymester -> 273
xenophobe -> 271


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Hi Dave,

Here is the latest MAPoster table...

1) Schliemann 2041
2) vaknso 1203
3) sintubin 675
4) ~TONY~! 497
5) misslead 420
6) Rhymester 394
7) kirksey957 370
8) maggoteer 360
9) stevens 343
10) tenebr8 317
11) Russ 313
12) lioness 286
13) xenophobe 271
14) mwmiller 266
15) Chrismo 263

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Thanks Chris!!

Me and my big mouth still with a comfortable lead..hehehe

John is over 1200 posts!! Way to go John!


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I was thinking of baseball in how we look at the most valuable player
by looking at home runs, hits and rbi's. What if we looked at rating,
map, and mam (most active mouth)? Sort of a combined rating of
skill, obsession, and ego. Kirk, who's got a big mouth, too.

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Well..I am #1 in two categories and in the 40's in the other.

Hard to believe I have a life isn't it!!


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Then you are destined for the "Hall of Fame." I think I'd qualify for
the second team being in the top 10 (at the moment) on two of
them. Kirk

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Those are definte Hall of Fame numbers!!

The things we find enjoyment in on here...ahhh.. it makes life have
somewhat of a meaning I guess!! hehehe


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I thought I had been quiet except for the Baker Invitational
Assistant Td posts I have been doing.
2nd (MAP) Most Active Poster
But......King of MAP (Most Active Player)

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Yeah...but I am still #1 in two categorys!!

Got ya beat there!!

Although I will definetly NOT be #1 after this tourney...but who
cares...Alot of people would love for the main man to hop into crap
like this and not fear losing...and I am probaly the only person sitting
at #1 who would do it. Why? Because anyone on here if he studies
hard enough can get that rank...cheaters of course do not count.

I am having too much fun to care about #1 right now.


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I agree the site is too much funwith little clocks and chasing after
another game that needs a move to worry about anything else. Bet
the figs and tuco are not having as much fun as I am.
King of Map
PS: Sorry you missed all this Andrew (Rhymester)

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