Most Active Posters...
Posted by Chrismo [23 September 2002 12:47]
In the course of playing around with the database I thought it would
be interesting to see who the most active posters of all time are...
Schliemann -> 1604
vaknso -> 948
sintubin -> 573
!~TONY~! -> 411
stevens -> 343
maggoteer -> 298
kirksey957 -> 287
tenebr8 -> 279
Rhymester -> 273
xenophobe -> 271
Yeah...but I am still #1 in two categorys!!
Got ya beat there!!
Although I will definetly NOT be #1 after this tourney...but who
cares...Alot of people would love for the main man to hop into crap
like this and not fear losing...and I am probaly the only person sitting
at #1 who would do it. Why? Because anyone on here if he studies
hard enough can get that rank...cheaters of course do not count.
I am having too much fun to care about #1 right now.