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You British are crazy. I'm filling out a visa application, only to find:

''Have you ever been concerned in the commission, preparation or organization of genocide? If YES, give details below.''

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Originally posted by royalchicken
You British are crazy. I'm filling out a visa application, only to find:

''Have you ever been concerned in the commission, preparation or organization of genocide? If YES, give details below.''

erm..... well, there was that entire tribe of Amazon native peopel whom I singlehandedly exterminated from the face of the earth. Does that count? It was an accident, btw.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
You British are crazy. I'm filling out a visa application, only to find:

''Have you ever been concerned in the commission, preparation or organization of genocide? If YES, give details below.''

I dare you to fill it in with:


I am single-handedly responsible for the ethnic cleansing of the manhatsuu tribe in Northern Angola.

I'm really curious what will happen.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
I dare you to fill it in with:


I am single-handedly responsible for the ethnic cleansing of the manhatsuu tribe in Northern Angola.

I'm really curious what will happen.
Are you saying we should not check you or you were dissapointed?

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Originally posted by shavixmir
I dare you to fill it in with:


I am single-handedly responsible for the ethnic cleansing of the manhatsuu tribe in Northern Angola.

I'm really curious what will happen.
or "as yet, no. but the purpose of my trip to britain is to wipe out the House of Windsor (formaly house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)", and sign it "Bruce Wayne".

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Originally posted by royalchicken
You British are crazy. I'm filling out a visa application, only to find:

''Have you ever been concerned in the commission, preparation or organization of genocide? If YES, give details below.''

we're hilarious? Have you seen the US entry visa? It has such questions as (paraphrasing):

do you intend to assasinate the president during your stay?
are you a terrorist?

True story, stolen from Bill Bryson:

An American friend was entering the US for the first time with his daughter. Beacuse she was a British citizen by birth she was questioned in a private room, with such indignaties such as "do you intend to commit polygamy in the US?". This might have had some shread of sanity attached to it if his daughter hadn't have been 4 years old.

Bill himself decided to perminantly return to live in the UK with his family. The first 3 of his children had been born in the UK, but he'd forgotten about the 4th. When he hit UK customes he was asked "how long is your visit?". When he responded "perminant" the officer replied "what about the boy?". His youngest had been born in the US, but Bill hadn't thought about it. When he tried to explain himself the customs officer replied that he'd have to get his supervisor. 3 minutes later he returned. "My supervisor is on his way. Just say 'Two weeks'." The supervisor arrived and curtly asked "how long do you intend to stay in the UK?". Slightly paniced by being asked to lie Bill replied "two weeks". "Fine" said the supervisor "but on the off chance that you decide to stay longer it might be an idea to get you son's residancy sorted before then". Quality - that's what I call a common sense system.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
You British are crazy. I'm filling out a visa application, only to find:

''Have you ever been concerned in the commission, preparation or organization of genocide? If YES, give details below.''

So, how'd you answer?

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Originally posted by royalchicken
You British are crazy. I'm filling out a visa application, only to find:

''Have you ever been concerned in the commission, preparation or organization of genocide? If YES, give details below.''

You could answer "NO" adding that you do not consider gametes to have human rights.

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LOL. I rather uncreatively just checked 'no'. I should have writeen something like: ''Well, I am an American citizen.''

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were did you get the idea that we were exempt from the rest of the world just because we are an island? as we have the same s**t in europe but ours has a longer history

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