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how od i upload a video to the forum pictures?

how od i upload a video to the forum pictures?


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sorry for posting here but i need a quick respnse, i no how to upload a picture but i have found a video on a website that i want to upload but whne i click on the the pic- properties then put it in the url bar in the forum settings to put it as my pic it doesn't work is ther anyone thst can help

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Originally posted by Blobby
sorry for posting here but i need a quick respnse, i no how to upload a picture but i have found a video on a website that i want to upload but whne i click on the the pic- properties then put it in the url bar in the forum settings to put it as my pic it doesn't work is ther anyone thst can help
What's the URL? Please post it here, and I'll see if I can try and do something.

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I believe they have a guard against hotlinking to thier images on that website.

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Originally posted by D43M0N
What's the URL? Please post it here, and I'll see if I can try and do something.
http://www.extremefunnypictures.com/dontstealplease/582.wmv maybe i need to download it?

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i ahve found another one but it's still not working 😠

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I don't think it's going to let you put a .wmv as your avatar picture. Use a .jpg or a .gif if you want movement.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
I don't think it's going to let you put a .wmv as your avatar picture. Use a .jpg or a .gif if you want movement.
i can't find one like that thats a football vidhttp://www.etechs.net/07%20Nike%20Football%20Freestyle.avieo theres one i have found but it wont work

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look at this if our theory is right this should work right take a look


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Originally posted by Blobby
look at this if our theory is right this should work right take a look

I don't think it will work because it's an audio format, and I think that's the problem-they won't let you put soundclips in.


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Once again. .wmv and .mpg and .mov and pretty much anything else won't work. Use .jpg or .gif

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