I am usually healthy, above average. But this year I suffer from all kind of annoying simptoms, migraines, alergies, sunburns but this one is a winner.
Sorry, but I have to whine 😛
I went to a beach yesterday. I was diving all the time. So, I got water in my ears. Since I had mild ear inflamation (I think due to air conditioner set on turbo 😛) diving did not help. So I got a serious ear inflamation. I went to the emergency doctor to take some medicine. The doctor (a.k.a mr. Butcher) decided to look at my ear first to see what's on. He had some sharp metal object, like very fat niddle or something. And he put that deeply to see something (dunno what). He was pretty unsensible and a bit rude too. He said "it could hurt pretty much" and while putting needle in my ear, the needle collided with something in my head so I accidentaly turned my head a bit.
So, after that, there was blood everywhere. At first I did not see it and the doctor cleaned it up and pretended nothing happened. He put half meter of some medical tissue with medicine in it. He sad "take that off tommorow, then take the medicine and it will be ok within day or two" And that was it. Now it hurts like hell ;
I should;
a) sue him
b, sue him
c, whine in RHP general forum
d, sue him ????
Originally posted by ivan2908See a second ENT Doctor you have reason to trust... IMMEDIATELY!
I am usually healthy, above average. But this year I suffer from all kind of annoying simptoms, migraines, alergies, sunburns but this one is a winner.
Sorry, but I have to whine 😛
I went to a beach yesterday. I was diving all the time. So, I got water in my ears. Since I had mild ear inflamation (I think due to air conditioner set on turbo 😛) divin ...[text shortened]... should;
a) sue him
b, sue him
c, whine in RHP general forum
d, sue him ????
Originally posted by ivan2908(d) All of the above.
I am usually healthy, above average. But this year I suffer from all kind of annoying simptoms, migraines, alergies, sunburns but this one is a winner.
Sorry, but I have to whine 😛
I went to a beach yesterday. I was diving all the time. So, I got water in my ears. Since I had mild ear inflamation (I think due to air conditioner set on turbo 😛) divin ...[text shortened]... should;
a) sue him
b, sue him
c, whine in RHP general forum
d, sue him ????
Right now I'm waiting for antibiotics and pain meds to kick in -- I have an abcessed tooth. I figured "at least it's Friday; the dentist should be in!" Nope. So it took all day for his receptionist to track him down so he could call in a prescription. I think I'm going to die. So I will join in your whining and tomorrow if I am still alive I will send loads of sympathy your way. In the meantime, I hope you at least kicked the doctor or something!
Originally posted by ivan2908Yikes! For once I entirely agree with Grampy. Especially since you are a musician. I hope it all goes well, and that the pain will go over soon. Earaches are teh h0rr0r!!!1!!!!!
I am usually healthy, above average. But this year I suffer from all kind of annoying simptoms, migraines, alergies, sunburns but this one is a winner.
Sorry, but I have to whine 😛
I went to a beach yesterday. I was diving all the time. So, I got water in my ears. Since I had mild ear inflamation (I think due to air conditioner set on turbo 😛) divin should;
a) sue him
b, sue him
c, whine in RHP general forum
d, sue him ????
Edit: Ah, I just saw your reply to Grampy, that's good to hear. But yes, you should probably sue that doctor...
Originally posted by pawnhandler:'(
(d) All of the above.
Right now I'm waiting for antibiotics and pain meds to kick in -- I have an abcessed tooth. I figured "at least it's Friday; the dentist should be in!" Nope. So it took all day for his receptionist to track him down so he could call in a prescription. I think I'm going to die. So I will join in your whining and tomorrow i ...[text shortened]... of sympathy your way. In the meantime, I hope you at least kicked the doctor or something!
Originally posted by pawnhandlerWell good luckk with your tooth, never had tooth pain but I heard it is one along the worst, together with ear pain, and baby borns 🙂 Dentist and doctors can be real butcherz... Now,isn't that a nice piece of meat to chop off , hmm ?!
(d) All of the above.
Right now I'm waiting for antibiotics and pain meds to kick in -- I have an abcessed tooth. I figured "at least it's Friday; the dentist should be in!" Nope. So it took all day for his receptionist to track him down so he could call in a prescription. I think I'm going to die. So I will join in your whining and tomorrow i ...[text shortened]... of sympathy your way. In the meantime, I hope you at least kicked the doctor or something!
Edit: Ah, I just saw your reply to Grampy, that's good to hear. But yes, you should probably sue that doctor...[/b]Well, maybe but I wouldn't feel good about it. It can happen to anyone and he was a bit less arrogant after doing that 🙂 The truth is that I've made a head move when I felt the sharp pain and that surely didn't help the situation.
Originally posted by pawnhandlerEmpathize big time. Somebody back in Shakespeare's time wrote,
(d) All of the above.
Right now I'm waiting for antibiotics and pain meds to kick in -- I have an abcessed tooth. I figured "at least it's Friday; the dentist should be in!" Nope. So it took all day for his receptionist to track him down so he could call in a prescription. I think I'm going to die. So I will join in your whining and tomorrow i ...[text shortened]... of sympathy your way. In the meantime, I hope you at least kicked the doctor or something!
"No philospher with a toothache." A total, bodily consuming event.