I have never introduced myself to anyone as "English" although, if you met me and heard my voice, you'd probably think I was.
I always describe myself as British. My parents, uncles and aunts, cousins, grandparents, great grandparents etc. were all from Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal in western Ireland. My two sisters and I were born in the "England" part of the United Kingdom.
I have perhaps felt this more keenly since I moved to Indonesia [first time, 30 tears ago] where absolutely everyone has an ethnic identity aside from their nationality.
And, anyway, is English" really an ethnicity? I doubt it. Is it an "identity"?
What is your nationality, ethnicity and ancestry?
@relentless-red saidSome of us are of families who evolved past the British Isles (specifically England, the York area) a century or more ago.
We are all citizens of the world. I just happen to be from the best bit.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidAnd I imagine them to be kept in an umbrella stand near the door in the shape of an elephant's foot.
Of course I'm English, I have twelve umbrellas.
@very-musty saidAre your ancestors from the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia? If not, I'm afraid you can't really claim lineage (and not sure why you would want to). Probably only important if maybe you want to join a white-supremacist group, it might be an interesting talking point.
Canadian and caucasian, first generation to a German father and a Scottish mother who immigrated here long ago.