12 Dec 21
@contenchess saidSorry about that. Have you tried squinting or chelated magnesium?
Your avatar gives me migraines. 😒
@contenchess saidOK, I'll just let it ride.
Be like water.
The path of least resistance.
Change your avatar man!
@contenchess saidDon't be such a Karen.
Be like water.
The path of least resistance.
Change your avatar man!
12 Dec 21
@kevin-eleven saidAm I doing okay?
Am I doing okay?
Don't want to navigate this wrongly.
Yeah, you're doing just fine.
I'm not joking when I say, I'm sensing a lonely and somewhat desperate voice calling out. Perhaps the link below will help.
@kevin-eleven saidNo idea I’m afraid.
Am I doing okay?
Don't want to navigate this wrongly.
Keep moving forward, keep posting if you feel like it, don’t if you don’t. Choose friends and allies carefully.