Originally posted by trawets113you are right, but its mainly me being the hipocrit. not the people replying.
these post are hardly the best ive seen. Dont be hipocrits.
im just highlighting the fact he aint nice, lit's fair turnaround.
hes taking pot shots at every1, well now let every1 take pot shots back at him.
it aint nice when people call u names for no reason, or tell u to get a life! it's no on.
with any luck he learn its nice to nice.
Originally posted by TrickstrOk i will give you that then considering you did it in a polite way i spose. but maybe you should mention it to his face.
you are right, but its mainly me being the hipocrit. not the people replying.
im just highlighting the fact he aint nice, lit's fair turnaround.
hes taking pot shots at every1, well now let every1 take pot shots back at him.
it aint nice when people call u names for no reason, or tell u to get a life! it's no on.
with any luck he learn its nice to nice.