a web site for playing chess! Seems lately that there is more bickering
and bantering going on then anything else! Less lip service and more
chess please. This guy Fritz seems to be starving for attention...ignore
him! He is thriving on your responses and you guys are falling for it.
He obviously can not play chess, so in his mind its easier to make a
fool out of himself then to learn opening moves or more importantly
make friends. We are in the middle of a tourney...how about an
update. How about finding babe's e-mail so that she knows we care.
What about analazing completed tourney games. I think that some of
the beginners would learn alot if we did that...just my thoughts..Paul
I certainly would learn a lot, and be very pleased if some of you
experienced characters would take the time out to have a look over
some of the games that have been finished so far. I would also be
very pleased if someone would be able to tell me more than "you
were crap" when i lose mine as well!
Joe (ever confident)
I will look at a few and do some analyzation tonight.
And Joe...how come you never signed up for my lessons?
Thanks Paul for saying this...I only had to say what I said due to this
same person threatening lawsuits and the like...got to protect the site.
But ignoring is the best medicine to a person with what i can see is
somewhat of a borderline personality disorder.
USA Captain
Actually, you are the perfect one to analize and comment on your
games and I mean this seriously, because I would imagine your style
would be something like: " OK, here I had no idea in hell what I was
doing, but it worked, WHOOA!. On move ten I really sucked, but hey,
my opponent sucked worse, I won, he he he." NOw I would just love
to read something like that- partly because I could understand it-
seriously. Kirk