is there anyone that wants me my rating is poor cos i play me dad and hes amazing. if i hadnt played him my rating would be higher
anyone want me
You need to be a paying member to join one... someone will pick you up for sure! Enjoy the site. P
i wanted to no if n e 1 wanted me be for i pay
n e want me i wil subscribe if you do
Canberra, Australia
There are a large number of clans, and most are more concerned about clan spirit than ratings. I can assure you you will be sure to find a clan willing to take you on, as long as you're polite and a good sport to your opponents.
Brisbane, Australia
First of all, though, get a sub. Second, sprechene some Englie, not that "n e 1 wanna cYbur??" crap. Third, is that a rhetorical question.
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