Russ can I have special star? A black one that explodes maybe? Or a green glibbery one? Or one that turns into the devil every 5 seconds?
*sigh* boredom and creativity is a dangerous mix... but that sure would be cool, individual stars. Yeah, I know... never mind me 😞
Angie 😀
Edit: Or maybe a red one (since this is red hot pawn) that drips blood? or ketchup?
Originally posted by angie88"black star that explodes"
Russ can I have special star? A black one that explodes maybe? Or a green glibbery one? Or one that turns into the devil every 5 seconds?
*sigh* boredom and creativity is a dangerous mix... but that sure would be cool, individual stars. Yeah, I know... never mind me 😞
Angie 😀
Edit: Or maybe a red one (since this is [b]red hot pawn) that drips blood? or ketchup?[/b]
"green glibbery star"
"star that turns into the devil every 5 seconds"
"star that drips blood"
The above subscribers stars will be auctioned on ebay, bidding starts $1k.... 😉