the same way I got know I am spending
way too much time here when I find extreme pleasure in grabbing a
insignificant moment of time in an idiotic and childish way.
But what the hell...i try to have fun!
As for the other thing...still gathering data.
But yes my wonderful friends, countrymen, neighbors, cousins, etc...
the old Davester is on the threshold of busting something majorly
wide open that will be a historic event for RHP. We shall all gasp in
horror and awe as if we were looking at a National Enquirer in the
grocery line and seeing a pic of Hillary Swank riding a donkey...the
nasty way.
OR....some might say "You know...I thought it was like that the whole
time...just never quite put my finger on it"
Patience to the masses...for the truth shall seek you out in due time.
USA Captain