When trying to communicate with others, who don't speak your language, these tips will get you by.
Make the statement in English, normal speed, volume and tone.
If this fails, make the same statement in English, only louder, and slower.
If even this fails, talk slower, and louder and with an angry tone.
As a last resort, attempt to speak a little of their language.
If you know a few words of their language, but aren't fluent in their language, you can fill in the gaps with "Word Modification." i.e.
In Spanish, modify the words, by putting an El or La in front of it, and then put a Spanish ending on the word. i.e
Garage becomes El Garagello, which by the way is the same word in Italian.
For German, put a der die oder das in front of the word, and then a German sounding ending. So Garage becomes Der Garageski, whick BTW is he same in Russian as well as other Germanic types of languages. Also handy is to put a Ge in front of the word. Hence the verb gerunning.
For French, just say Oui (we) a lot and laugh like uh huh huh huh
They'll give up on you and bother someone else.
For Asiatic languages, a different method is used, you simply talk some kind of Pingy Pongy kind of stuff, and just hope you didn't say anything derogatory.
Following examples:
German woman: Was ist loss?
Ice: This ist der gemannen roomishen. Du needs ein schlongen tu bi in heir!
Spanish man: Dos cervesas por favor.
Ice: i Mi Amego!
Frenchman: Comment allez-vous?
Ice: Oh! Oui Oui...uh huh huh huh
Frenchman: Je me rends!
Asiatic man: ??( I can't type it, but roughly translated by body english, he wants the loo)
Ice: *Pointing direction* Pingy Pongy dat wey.
Now for some common Latin phrases.
Habeas corpus...The Marine motto
Ex post facto...something was proven wrong in a forum post
E Pluribus Unum... We gots money!
In Hoc Signo Vinces ... Never pawn to a guy named Vince, he'll bum your smokes
Pro Bono... The period when Sonny and Cher made money together
For a practical demonstration of my method to foreign languages, I will reply to the other posters in their native tongues.
This is meant to be a satire on AMERICAN people. How narrow minded and culturally inept we are as a whole. Please don't be offened in my attempt to make you laugh a bit. Diversity is what makes us ourselves.
"Appy "Olidays Mates 🙂