The best ways (I think) would be to
1) Make a scientific or medical discovery
2) Get into politics
3) start a war (although this will not change the world for the better)
4) Kill someone important (don’t but if that feeling gets to strong and none of the others sound like you)
If you just want to feel like you have changed the world but not really then charity work might be the ticket it will help some people and you might change there world
If you make a major medical discovery then you could change the world loads or a good invention.
Originally posted by buckkyI think most of us feel the same. We'd love to change the world but that takes a lot of people and a lot of work and a lot of time, and you can't organise a lot of people without a strong leader, basically what I'm saying is that all you people should do everything I say. My first decree is to make Friday afternoons "Backrub Afternoons", and we'll train all the beautiful nubile women of the world to give everyone employed in my dictatorsh... organisation a three hour backrub.
But I don't know what to do. How profound.
Originally posted by Will EverittMy goal is to do all 4 of these before I die.
The best ways (I think) would be to
1) Make a scientific or medical discovery
2) Get into politics
3) start a war (although this will not change the world for the better)
4) Kill someone important (don’t but if that feeling gets to strong and none of the others sound like you)
Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnowI would recomend for the icovery a virus that wipes out billions this will start a war and kill most famous people then all you need to do is unite the suvivors.
My goal is to do all 4 of these before I die.
P.S give yourself the antidote and possibly the person who gave you the idea
Originally posted by Will EverittGood idea, it just so happens that I am going to be taking a virology class in the near future anyway....😉
I would recomend for the icovery a virus that wipes out billions this will start a war and kill most famous people then all you need to do is unite the suvivors.
P.S give yourself the antidote and possibly the person who gave you the idea
Be the change that you want to see in the world - Ghandi
The best the rest of you might do is spawn a family. If we all waited until we were sure we knew what to do, nobody would be doing anything. If we deliberately choose to do nothing, we might as well check-out altogether, we're just wasting air. The idea of changing the world by shooting somebody famous/important is utterly revolting so soon after the anniversary of John Lennon's murder. Shoot yourself instead: it'll mean so much more to you!