my weird sense of humour, and my bad jokes probably. but apart from that, i'm not sure. i was listening to "thought for the day" on radio 4 a while ago and the guy speaking on that was saying that someone mentioned to him that he should try writing his own obituary. he didn't think much of it, until one day he decided to do it...and it made him think about his life, and, well, yeah...apparently it helps you to focus as well. i've not written mine. it's something too scary for a 18 year old to do...
Originally posted by D43M0NWhy is that important? What matters is what you remember from your life.
...what would you be remembered for?
[b]EDIT - Before the spammers come in, seriousness is the word of the day.[/b]
I can't get into the heads of those that know me and I can tell you that those that dislike me would paint a very different image of me from those that like me.
What is it you are remembered for ?
Either a great deed you did during your lifetime when you are in the focus of public interest. When you are a star.
Besides this small amount of people everybody is remembered only in the hearts and thoughts of the people who loved you.
I hope (do not know) that I will be remembered as a good friend who stood in for his friends and was always there. A beloved son and brother. A nice colleague. I hope my ex won´t forget me.
You can´t take a thing with you except nice memories.
This questions raises another question. Do you behave and live your live in a way that fits you for yourself. Do you consider yourself as a nice person ?
This is a good question... but, I find I have no good answer. I'm fairly sure my dog would miss me and I imagine my wife would as well. Unfortunately while we all would like to think we will leave an indelible mark on history, most of us will fade into obscurity.
I want to go out with just my boots on, a cowboy hat perched on my head, a Canadian flag painted on my chest and a happy face on my ass with guns blazing. Try to forget me now you lame x.